Dear Parents,
Wow! What a busy month October was in our classroom! We celebrated Grandparent's Day, had a visit from our new Buddy Class from BOCES, enjoyed a wonderful field trip to Beak & Skiff Apple Orchards, learned all about fire safety, made applesauce with Miss Ellie, and had a fun Halloween parade and party together!
Academically, our day and schedule has also changed with the addition of "WIN TIME" for our school and district. This month, our students focused on the ELA target skills of learning to form all lower-case letters correctly, knowing their Kindergarten sight words fluently, and being able to read CVC words, independently. We were very pleased with the results that we are beginning to see in our classes because of this 30 minute teaching session each day! Specifically, students made a lot of progress in their handwriting. Please continue to have your child practice these skills at home so they can keep applying what they have learned during their mornings. Our next "WIN TIME" session will focus on the Math target skills of knowing and writing numbers in correct sequence to 20 or higher, correct number formation, and addition & subtraction facts fluent to 5.
Thank you all again for your continued help and support at home with the "Books-in-the-Bag" Reading Homework each night! The kids have loved choosing new books each day and their reward of reading to a Kindergarten friend! I look forward to sharing more about your child's progress, thus far, during our Parent-Teacher Conference Day on Monday, November 16th. See you soon!
Mrs. Gregory
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