~ Classroom Expectations ~
In our classroom, students will have many opportunities to learn through shared decision-making, centers, and hands-on learning games and activities during whole group, small group, and independent work times. We begin our year with important lessons on classroom community building, class rules, and daily behavior goals and rewards. During the year, students are reminded of these expectations through daily morning meetings and other necessary class meetings, as well as at our K-2 Lighthouse Meetings. Students help generate class rules for our safety, rules for being a good friend, and rules to show good character. Then, they sign their names in agreement of these rules, and they are clearly posted in our classroom.
~ Stoplight Behavior Plan ~
To help students remember our rules, we use the “Stoplight Behavior Plan.” Students begin each day on the green light, and this shows they are doing great and following our rules and directions well, independently. If a child remains on “green” all week, he/she is rewarded with a special certificate to take home and display proudly for their families. They also are allowed to choose a prize from our prize box! Each Friday before Recess, our class claps and celebrates the students’ successes and encourages those to try harder again next week to remember their goals.
If a student needs many reminders to follow the rules, directions, and to behave, he/she will move their magnet to the yellow, or orange, or red lights on the board. Students will lose 5 minutes of their Recess that day if they move to “yellow,” 10 minutes on “orange,” and all of Recess on “red.” If your child is on the “red light,” a note or phone call home will be given by me or by Mrs. Durgey.
~ Fishing For Compliments! ~
To foster classroom community building and good character by all students, students caught being good, kind, helpful, or respectful anywhere throughout the day, can earn a paper fish cut-out for our Class Fish Bowl. Each Friday during our Celebration time, all students help count the fish in our bowl and try to reach the goal for a classroom party! Good character really does count and add up in our classroom!