Thursday, May 21, 2015

Health and Fitness Day 2015

Dear Parents,

      Wow!  What an exciting, happy, and healthy day we had today at Bridgeport Elementary!  Our students began and ended the day with an awesome display of jump roping by presenter, Mark Rothstein.  Then, throughout the rest of the day, we traveled to several other fun workshops that had us exercising and filling our brains with healthy and safe information about bicycle safety and nutrition! Please ask your child what their favorite memories were from our day.  Also, we all thank Mrs. Haggerty for organizing this wonderful day for all of us!  Our pictures will tell you just how awesome our day was!  Enjoy!

Mrs. Gregory

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Super School Fair Projects!

Dear Parents,
     Our class had lots of fun learning and preparing for our annual School Fair this year, and were so proud to share their hard work and beautiful projects with you!  We spent a great deal of time learning about how to take care of our environment and to act like the famous character, the Lorax, in the Dr. Seuss book called The Lorax.  Students explained how they would protect and help the Earth, just like the Lorax did when he spoke up for the trees being destroyed in the story.  Students especially liked planting marigold plants and seeds for their moms for Mother's Day, and then decorating the pots to look like the Lorax character with silly yellow mustaches!  In the classroom, we have also been observing the marigold seeds and watching them sprout and grow more each day!
     The kids also did a fantastic job of using their math skills and number sense, to complete their "Math About Me" Projects, too!  I am very proud of each one of them for trying their best and showing perseverance in math this year.
     Please enjoy these photos displaying our class projects, and I look forward to seeing you at our last field trip of the year on Friday, June 12th for our trip to the zoo!  Have a great week, and thanks again for all your help and support at home!

Mrs. Gregory

Monday, May 4, 2015

Our Visit to Hospital-Land!

Dear Parents,
     What a great time we all had at our recent field trip to Crouse Hospital's Hospital-Land!  Our teacher, Nurse Jo, helped us learn all about what it would be like if we ever had to visit the hospital and have a surgery.  Each student played a pretend role as either a doctor, nurse, patient, or family member.  Our friend, Damien, pretended he was our patient for the day, and Cole and Lucy accompanied him as his parents!  The rest of our class were his doctors, nurses, or other helpers.  Then, all students had the opportunity to play with all the cool things Nurse Jo uses each day at the hospital.  Some of their most favorite things to do were riding on the stretcher, going up and down on the hospital bed, using crutches to walk, giving rides in the wheelchair, and dressing up as doctors and nurses!  This definitely was a memorable experience and one our kids sure won't forget!  We hope you enjoy some of our silly pictures and talk with your child about their favorites from the day, too!

Mrs. Gregory