Dear Parents,
It was so nice to meet so many of you last night at our Open House! The kids were very excited to share all the great things they have been working on these past few weeks. Thank you so much for coming and for signing up for volunteering, party contributions, and conferences, too. I enjoyed getting to meet you and your families, and being able to talk a bit about our classroom and some important things in First Grade!
Speaking of First Grade, . . . our class has been learning many facts about apples, Fall, and Johnny Appleseed. We had a lot of fun reading the book, Ten Apples Up On Top! After reading, we made applesauce, made the number ten with many number combinations, and created a silly project based on the book, too! I think their favorite parts were eating the applesauce and trying to balance apples up on top of their heads!
Please mark your calendars for our first field trip of the year. We will be going to Beak & Skiff Apple Orchards on Tuesday, October 14th (9:00AM- 1:30PM). Let's hope for a great weather day! If I don't see you on this field trip, I hope you can make our class Halloween party, at the end of October.
Thank you for all your help at home, and I look forward to working closely with you throughout our year together!
Mrs. Gregory